Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Crossfit Journey


On this final day of January (Only one more month of Winter!!). I wanted to share a slideshow with you that shows where I started and where I am after only 14 workout days at Average Joe's Crossfit.  Just follow the link to my google plus.  I couldn't get the slideshow to post directly here.

I hope you are inspired to make a change to healthier.  These pictures were taken over an 18 day period where I worked out at Average Joe's Crossfit every day I could.  Which made a total of 14 days.  My posting this is as much to inspire myself as to inspire you.  I need to remember where I was so I on my hard days I can remember where NOT exercising or eating healthier has gotten me.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing. Sure do miss you all at JOY!
    Jenny Truette
