Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I did a Pinterest Pin!

And I am afraid I only took the AFTER pics.  With how easy these were to make though I am sure more are coming and next time I'll try to go bit by bit.

I made my girls each a Valentines Day Outfit.  I got the every so simple tutorial for the circle dress at Crafterhours Blog.  Her tip to google the answer to figuring out the radius was pure genius and I am sure it saved a couple brain cells.  The only thing I did different is I did a thick black elastic waist instead of the knit waist - mostly because my fabric is cotton and doesn't have the same give.  It still looks nice though and because it's a thick elastic and black it looks like it's a natural waist to the skirt.

Gee You think with the way they're posing they might be sisters?  I ended up adding some black leggings and plan to do a few more little tweaks to really personalize it but both dd's really like their outfits and are even more tickled that mommy made it for them.  I'll add the actual V_day shot that will have hair done and ready to go.  I am making some hair accessories and adding a few rosettes and the like.  Their shirts were extremely easy with some Heat&Bond Ultrahold...NO SEWING.  I just did a straight stitch around the edge to make it look more custom but absolutely not necessary,  To get my hearts and lettering I just got the look I wanted in word, outline only and printed it out.  VOILA...So.  EASY!!
Emi mad is so funny.
Aren't they adorable?

So have you been inspired to actually make something off of Pinterest lately?

Also making a matching mommy shirt (no circle skirt for these hips...I'm on a budget.)I'll post it when I finish it up.  Alrighty - Off I go!!

God Bless!

1 comment:

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